Tigger and Plush Animals

I remember Pebble, my first cat, liked to toss around a stuffed animal bird and chew it up all over the house. Kitty used to wipe her lips to scent my Eeyore plush everyday (which I still have on my bed). Smokey didn’t care much. I’ve never met a cat who actually seems to adore soft furry stuffed animals until now. Tigger seems to really like them and will kneed and then center himself on top of them. I first noticed this when he chose our big stuffed bear in the stairway as his noble steed. That’s after kneeding and grooming it. His other favorite is my giant Totoro slipper that I use to warm my feet. It fits him perfectly (for now).  I guess when he grows up we will have to find him some bigger plushies to lie on hehehe.

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