Oh sigh. Word is, the wait for kitties is even longer now. After reading up on raw food diets, mother decided we couldn’t deal with hungry Maine Coons tearing and dragging raw meat all over the carpet. There goes the anticipated visit to DeGoonacoon’s to meet her lovely red boy and possible newborn kittens that were due today. Unless there are other feeding options, we will have to wait for the wonderful Mr. Kite’s kittens possibly due in October.
Speaking of Mr. Kite, I went looking at Coonskin Maine Coon’s website again and clicked over to her links section and found TabbeyRd Maine Coons in NY. On their show cat section was no other than a younger Mr. Kite! We were so happy to see more pictures of him and we giddily noticed that his mother, Ob La Di, and father, I Am The Walrus, looked a lot like him (extremely regal and cute faced). Here is what we gawking over:
We also noticed he had the stripes down his back like our beloved Smokey when he was a kitten. The pattern is probably typical of the classic tabby, but we loved it because it only showed when their fur was shorter, and it made them look like a watermelon.
Their kittens page nearly killed us, and we fell in love with almost all of their sires and dams. I think other than the wait, we really would love Mr. Kite’s kittens. Too bad there is no kitten dance to make them grow faster.
Stalking them on YouTube now, I found a video of the purry mister Walrus himself:
Here is a video of Walrus:
And finally, the last video I found was of Coonskin’s Olmsted and Bling when they were 13 weeks old. Super cute chatterbugs!